Saturday, January 4, 2014

All Good Things

At this time of year, we all reflect on both the past and our hopes for the future.  Looking over my blog posts, I realize that I have probably hit the zenith of my arc for this project.  I haven't garnered a huge following, but I have a few faithful readers, and I thank each of you for reading, whether or not you comment or "like" or message me about what you read.  From time to time, I check the stats on how many people read each post, and it's usually between 40 and 90.  All of you are the reason I've been able to keep up the project for the last 18 months.

But all good things must come to an end.  This blog has disciplined me in numerous ways, but I don't see that I can carry it on indefinitely.  I'm setting an end date for July, which will make two full years of weekly blogs.  I think I can keep coming up with topics until then.

Usually, inspiration strikes sometime late in the week, but there are a lot of weeks that I don't decide what I'll write about until Saturday afternoon or evening.  That's one of the reasons that I don't think this should be an endless project:  if I had all that much to say, I'd never run out of topics.  Now, I have several things still in my mind to write about, though I won't list them here.  But I'd like to know if there are particular topics I should be or could be writing about.

If you've read this far, you're one of my faithful, probably someone who knows me first-hand.  I'm asking for your help with the last six months of writing.   I hope you'll comment or message me and suggest a topic, idea, event, person, or thing you'd like to read my thoughts on.  Not that I have any great insights on anything in this world, but you are all interesting peeps yourselves, and I'd like to see what I can do with ideas from someone else, rather than just my own little random thoughts. 

You can leave comments or messages here or on Facebook.  I hope you'll consider offering something, anything that you'd like to challenge me to spin into something close to a minimum five-paragraph essay.  Who knows what might come of it? 

Good 2014 to you all, friends.

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