Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Step Back from the Edge

I don't have very many words of wisdom.  I'm just a middle-aged high school teacher who has had a couple of bad experiences in life, but far and away more good times.  My family is in relatively good health, I have friends who are fun and like-minded, I don't have any major quarrels with anyone that I know of.  Oh, things aren't perfect.  But they're perfectly fine.

Then, sometimes, fine isn't quite enough.

It's not enough to be fine when the world seems to bear down on you with everything it has, like a cloud deck settling on the top of your head for several months at a time.

It's not enough to be fine when it seems just one little click to the right or left could fix whatever is off.

It's not enough to be fine when a day or a week leaves you feeling hopeless, helpless, exhausted, unlucky, or unlovable.

But then...

Fine becomes, with no warning, fantastic.  The cloud deck clears and your face feels the sun.  That one little click to the right or left happens so easily that you wonder why you dithered around so long without trying to make the change.  And the day itself might leave you temporarily without hope, or help, but you know tomorrow is another day.  You are tired, but you know how to rest when you need rest.  You learn that luck and love are a matter of perspective.

Whatever it is, however you feel, no matter how much you are confident it can't.....suddenly it does.  No matter how much you think you know, life can still surprise you.

Let it surprise you.

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